How to Create and Save a Template in Google Docs | The Gooru. (2015, September 18). Retrieved September 22, 2015.
About submitting templates:
When you submit a template to the public gallery, anyone will be able to use it by creating a copy of their own.
By submitting a template, you agree to let anyone use the content and styles that you created. Please make sure that you own the rights to distribute the content in your template.
After a template is submitted, any changes you make to it will show in the template gallery immediately. Please make changes with care!
Google Template Gallery:
Need Privacy?
To get around the privacy issue, create your own template by following the video above and call it blank_template (where <blank> is the name you give your template). Don't upload it to the templates gallery. Create a templates folder and share the entire folder or individual templates with those folks you want to use them.