Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Google Forms Self-Grading Quiz Tool!

education techology
Flubaroo does it for you and will even email scores to students!
Flubaroo is a free tool for Google Docs Forms that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments.

That's not all! Flubaroo also:

  • Computes average assignment score.
  • Computes average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions.
  • Shows you a grade distribution graph.
  • Gives you the option to email each student their grade, and an answer key.
  • Lets you send individualized feedback to each student.

    Please note: Flubaroo will work with most browsers, but may not always be pretty. Suggest: Google Chrome

    Feel free to leave comments if you've tried it out!
    Important Disclaimer: Flubaroo is a tool offered for use in conjunction with Google Docs, but is not itself a Google product or service.